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Raymarching Distance Fields: Concepts and Implementation in Unity

Project Description: Ellis Island Virtual Reality Experience

Understanding Perlin Noise
Wii Remote API for Unity and C#
Project Posted on 16 October 2015 by Flafla2
Within the past 10 years motion controls have become an integral part of gaming and console game development. The Wii Remote specifically has managed to capture a generation of casual gamers and has created a completely new genre of casual games. However, none of these controllers have managed to permeate the PC gaming market despite their potential. In response to this, I have created a cross-platform Wii Remote communication layer for Unity (and C# with minimal changes
- primarily debug messages). The API allows Unity developers to integrate the Wiimote and popular extension controllers (such as the Nunchuck, Classic Controller, and Wii Motion Plus) into their games. It also supports the Wii U Pro controller (which behaves as a Wiimote with a special extension controller).
Here is a video of the some of the API's features:
You can download the latest release here. The API’s source code
(including a full demo scene) can be found here.
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Bunnyhopping from the Programmer's Perspective
Technical Writeup Posted on 14 February 2015 by Flafla2
"Bunnyhopping" is an exploit of a very popular bug in games like Quake III Arena, Half-Life, and Counter-Strike. Bunnyhopping, or bhopping for short, allows a player to exceed the game-defined speed limit. It has created entirely new methods of play and allows very exciting, fast-paced emergent gameplay. As a decidedly skill-based mechanic, competitive players love bhopping because it is so hard to master. Thus, it may be useful to you as a game developer to "implement" bunnyhopping into your game. The purpose of this article is to define what bunnyhopping is, why it is important to consider as a game developer, and how to implement it mathematically into your FPS movement code. All code examples are open-source and free to use, as always.
This is what bunnyhopping looks like in-game to a skilled player:
One Example of Bunnyhopping in Counter-Strike: Source (Source)
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Implementing Skyward Sword's Timeshift Stones in Unity
Technical Writeup Posted on 09 December 2014 by Flafla2
Nintendo is well-known for its polish and excellent use of resources, even while using the relatively underpowered Wii hardware. They often develop game mechanics with this in mind, and this limitation brings out some of Nintendo's true genius in game design. One of my favorite mechanics that take advantage of the hardware like this are the so-called timeshift orbs in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Essentially the idea behind these is that the timeshift orbs take everything in a radius around it and send it "back in time" like so:
Zelda's Timeshift Orbs
While this effect seems complicated at first, it is actually pretty simple to implement with a shader.
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Understanding Perlin Noise
Technical Writeup Posted on 09 August 2014 by Flafla2
The objective of this article is to present an easy-to-understand analysis of Ken Perlin's Improved Perlin Noise. The code in this article is written in C# and is free to use. If you would prefer to just look at the final result, you can view the final source here.
Perlin Noise is an extremely powerful algorithm that is used often in procedural content generation. It is especially useful for games and other visual media such as movies. The man who created it, Ken Perlin, won an academy award for the original implementation. In this article I will be exploring his Improved Perlin Noise, published in 2002.
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The Site is LIVE!
Posted on 01 August 2014 by Flafla2
This here is my new website/blog, powered by Jekyll and hosted by Github Pages. Here I will ramble on about whatever I have been working on, or some other cool thing I would like to share. You can check out the source for this site here.
I would like to note that this site has only been tested on Safari 7.0.5 and Chrome 36. If you have any bugs to report on your browser, please report them at the site's github issues page.
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